Auto-Deleveraging (ADL)

Understanding ADL:

ADL serves as a risk management mechanism that safeguards the overall stability of the RateX platform. In the event of unforeseen circumstances or extreme market movements that could lead to a rapid depletion of the insurance fund, ADL automatically deleverages user positions. This helps to mitigate potential losses and maintain platform solvency.

The ADL Process:

  1. ADL Ranking: User positions are ranked based on their leveraged profits, considering both the profit/loss ratio (PnL) and the leverage employed. Positions with the highest leveraged profits receive a higher ranking, making them more susceptible to ADL if triggered. Users can know the position's ADL ranking through the ADL Indicator on RateX user interface.

  2. ADL Trigger: When market conditions necessitate ADL activation, the system automatically matches the liquidation price of at-risk positions with counterparties holding the highest ADL ranking. This eliminates the need for placing orders in the open market and waiting for suitable price matches, ensuring a more efficient liquidation process.

    • Similar to perpetual futures, ADL applies to both long and short yield positions under isolated margin mode.

    • Under cross margin mode, ADL only targets the excess portion of partially hedged positions, leaving the fully hedged portion unaffected.

  3. Fees and Notifications: Users undergoing ADL will have their positions deleveraged automatically. Any profits generated from the liquidation are credited to their account balance. Users will be notified via email regarding the auto-deleveraged position and the liquidation price. They can also access a detailed record of the event within the order history categorized as "auto-deleveraging."

  4. Post-ADL Trading: Following ADL completion, users are free to resume their trading activities within the RateX platform.

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